Process & FAQ’s

Gather great photos of your pet!

Find photos you love of your pet and send them my way! They do not have to be professional! Phone snapshots work just fine! I ask that you send at least 3, but I will never be upset about an inbox full of cute critters! Tips for the best images of your pet:

  1. Natural light. Either outdoors or near a window. Natural sunlight helps me to see the true colors of your pet! Indoor lighting can change the colors in photos dramatically.

  2. At eye level with your pet. Sometimes when photos are taken pointing down at your pet, their little faces can be distorted and make for portraits that are not a good likeness.

Choose your product

Whether you’re gifting your bestie a portrait of her fur-baby, having a digital portrait of your dog made to add to your wedding reception decor, or having a portrait painted of your beloved pet, there is nothing like seeing your pet turned into a work of art. They are important to us, and elevating their image as art is so special.

Place your order

In the ‘shop’ tab of the website, place your order. Once I have received your order and images of your pet, work will begin on your art. Turn around times are as follows:

Digital Portraits- Creation 5-10 Business days. Instant digital file delivery via email.

Painted Portraits- Creation 7-14 Business days. Shipping 2-5 Business Days in the U.S.


  • Digital Portraits- Creation 5-10 Business days. Instant digital file delivery via email.

    Painted Portraits- Creation 7-14 Business days. Shipping 2-5 Business Days in the U.S.

  • If you have any other requests, please make note when you place your order. If I am unable to accommodate, I will get in touch.

  • If I have not started working on your piece, I can refund your purchase. Once work begins on your art, unfortunately I cannot refund your purchase as charge for materials and my time creating your art.

  • Yes! But I ask that each product you order is for one pet potrait.

    To paint pets at an ideal size on frames and ornaments, I only paint one pet per item.